新笔趣阁小说网 > 玄幻小说 > 点赞大师 > 第75章 、剩斗士16.爱情友情两手抓

第75章 、剩斗士16.爱情友情两手抓(1 / 2)






city of stars


are you shining just for me


city of stars


there so much that i can&039;t see


ho knos


i felt it from the first embrace i shared ith you


that no our dreams


they&039;ve finally e true


city of stars


just one thing everybody ants


there in the bars


and through the smokescreen of the croded restaurants


it&039;s love


yes all e&039;re looking for is love from someone else


a rush


a gnce


a touch


a dance


to look in somebody&039;s eyes


to light up the skies


to open the orld and send them reeling


a voice that says i&039;ll be here


and you&039;ll be alright


i don&039;t care if i kno

最新小说: 毛毛的穿越之旅 无限世界交流群 霸道傅爷偏执爱 魂穿男多女少的古代 穿书后她成了偏执反派的契约妻 半截入土:却给我曹贼系统? 偏执少爷赖定我 元素创造世界 致亲爱的偏执狂 一品宠妃